Thursday, November 8, 2012

What I Love to Write

I write suspense and mystery with a medical edge, and of course, always with a great romance. The medical aspect comes from my background as an obstetrician and gynecologist, and the romance from my love of Janet Evanovich novels and my growing as a writer through Romance Writers of America. I expanded into the genre of mystery and crime, specifically police procedurals through joining Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime. That, and I’ve always felt that docs and cops are a lot alike with a regimented order, long hours, stress, and life and death decisions. So were born my two protagonists in my romantic suspense novel IF MEMORY SERVES, obstetrician Dr. Tara Ross, and homicide commander, Lieutenant Detective Jeffrey Corrigan.

I must say that I’m a believer in Stephen King’s mantra that every writer should read. A fan of King’s ON WRITING, I’m presently reading, 11/22/63: A NOVEL, his fabulous newest time travel novel. But my longstanding favorite writers are the physician writers Tess Gerritsen and Robin Cook. I also love following J.D. Robb’s (aka Nora Roberts) series protagonists, Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her paramour Roarke. Finally, I’m a fan of Patricia Cornwell and her series revolving around medical examiner, Kaye Scarpetta.

What do you like to read, and who are your favorite novelists?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wicked weather in the Northeast

Well, the power is now up and running in my home in NY. So grateful! There remains devastation and heartbreak in New Jersey and New York. I arrived in Vermont two days before the power in my house, so I actually had heat, running water, and hot food before my family. How wonderful it was to finally shower, not to mention having light that didn't involve a flashlight or candles. I am truly lucky. We take for granted all that we have everyday until disaster strikes. Sure puts life into perspective! Meanwhile, I awoke to a dusting of snow in Vermont. I do pray that the impending storm this week stays away from New Jersey and New York.

I hope all is well wherever you are!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Post Halloween and Hurricane Sandy

Thank you, all , so much for visiting my Halloween Blog Hop. Due to Hurricane Sandy's ravages, I have been unable to access my internet. Sorry for the delay. The winner (chosen by a random draw) of the kindle versions of my two books, IF MEMORY SERVES, and AN EVERGREEN CHRISTMAS, is Kristina Leigh!

I wish to send my sympathies to everyone who has been affected by Hurricane Sandy. For those you have lost their homes, families, and friends, I can't begin to imagine your pain. God bless!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Blog                        

Hi Readers,

Welcome to my blog. I'm participating in a Halloween blog. Starting tomorrow, the 26th, and through the 29th, stop by my post and let me know if you believe in ghosts, or would spend a night in a house that used to be a funeral home. Anyone who comments, and leaves an email address, I will randomly select a winner. The prize? A free Kindle edition of two of my books, IF MEMORY SERVES and AN EVERGREEN CHRISTMAS. Happy reading, and I can't wait to hear your Halloween stories.

Tanya Goodwin

It’s New Years Eve but obstetrician Dr. Tara Ross isn’t celebrating. After a catastrophic delivery, Tara, a workaholic, sleep deprived and already stressed to the max, lapses into a post -traumatic memory loss. Wandering the streets of Manhattan’s Upper West she is mistakenly swept up in a narcotics sting operation and lands in Jeffrey Corrigan’s precinct.
Divorced but married to the job as a dedicated homicide squad commander, Detective Lieutenant Jeffrey Corrigan has his hands full chasing Angelina Holtz, sadistic drug czarina and murder suspect with ties to his corrupt captain. The last thing he needs is another woman to complicate his life.  That is until he encounters Tara in the precinct’s holding cell.
Unable to drive her home during a blizzard, he has no choice but to bring her to his house. As a temporary guest in his home, Tara and Jeffrey build a relationship they’d both like to make permanent. While enlisting the help of the precinct psychiatrist to restore Tara’s memory he fears for her safety when threats mount against both their lives. The evil drug czarina and her cadre of corrupt cops will make him pay for nosing around in their business. They’ll start with Tara.

Book Candy Studios

  Dr. Holly Green hasn't celebrated Christmas since age thirteen when her parents were killed in a car accident on Christmas Eve. An intense surgeon but a social wallflower, Holly successfully dodges the hospital holiday party every year, except this year when she meets Dr. Noel Shepherd, sexy new surgeon on the block who's determined to end her absenteeism.

The polar opposite of Holly, Noel revels in the Christmas spirit, sporting a penguin print necktie and Santa sticker on his beeper.

From the moment Holly bumps into Noel in the operating room, she can't deny her attraction to him. Noel likewise lights up around Holly.

When their relationship heats up over the holiday season, Noel purchases an evergreen tree that he and Holly could decorate. But his surprise quickly sours when Holly refuses to have anything to do with the tree. Has Noel crossed the line, catapulting Holly into a Christmas she isn't ready to celebrate?

A Haunted House in an Unusual Place
As a travelling physician, I’ve been to a variety of small towns, many filled with older houses. I’ve marveled at many of these on my walks or runs around the neighborhoods. But I never thought that one day I’d actually practice obstetrics and gynecology during one of my locum tenens assignments in a “haunted home.” That’s exactly what happened when I went to Dansville, New York.
As I entered the obstetric/gynecologic practice located inside a beautiful, classic house, I was blown away to find out that this house, one hundred years ago, was a funeral home! Needless to say, my interest in this historic fact was piqued. Stained glass windows and a fireplace in every room greeted me. Although the house was converted to accommodate a medical practice, including exam rooms, I couldn’t help envision how people used to come here to pay their respects to the dead decades ago.
 Aged brown and beige framed photos of Grover’s Funeral Home lined the corridors. In between seeing patients, I could not stop staring at these. I had to learn more. The office nurses were more than happy to share the spooky details.
First we climbed a winding staircase to the second floor while sliding our hands up the polished mahogany banister. The nurse told me of a periodic apparition of a man in a suit who’d stand in between the two flights of stairs. I did not see him during my assignment, but I believe it! The nurses then pulled down the attic stairs and off we went to the dusty abode above us. Among office supplies, the old Grover’s Funeral Home signage sat so macabre upon velvet cushioned chair, as if it was taken down only recently. Wow! I couldn’t believe that sign was still housed in that attic for one hundred years. I, of course, whipped out my camera for a unique photo op.
So impressed by the whole historic feel of the house, now an obstetric and gynecologic practice, I couldn’t help but write about a house such as this in a novel I named, “The Embalmer”, the sequel to “If Memory Serves” by Mitchell Morris Publishing. I can’t wait for you to read it. Meanwhile, enjoy the following photos of the house now, and how it existed one hundred years ago.
Do you believe in ghosts? Would you sleep in a house that was a funeral home?
Let me know!

Remember! Post your comments here with your email to win!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Frankfurt Book Fair October 2012

I'm still jumping up and down! My novel, IF MEMORY SERVES, a romantic suspense with police procedural, is going to Germany this October! The Taryn Fagerness Agency will be representing it at the Frankfurt Book Fair. I'll be home in New York, but I will bid "Bon Voyage" to IF MEMORY SERVES.

Do books need a passport?! Ha! Ha!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tales of a Travelling Doctor and Author

Today I have my author's hat on! This weekend, on Sunday, September 23rd, I participated in the Brooklyn Book Festival. What a great time. I took me two train rides but I arrived early Sunday morning at Borough Hall, towing my two full suitcases of books and a back pack strapped across my shoulders. Thank God!

I was at two booths. In the morning, I was at the NYC/Romance Writer's booth, and in the afternoon at the NYC/ Sisters in Crime one. The crowds peeked in the sunny but breezy afternoon, a picture perfect day in Brooklyn. So much energy in one place!

I sold several copies of my romantic suspense novel, IF MEMORY SERVES. But the best part was seeing the crowd's hunger for books. Who knows how many returned home to download books on their Kindles and Nooks?

My personal crew turned out to support me. Tamara, my darling daughter, I love you!  And same for her boyfriend Mario! Mary Ellen ("Marielle!"), Bill, and Ann, you brightened my day! Your words of encouragement are priceless. The gift was unnecessary but so much appreciated. I was stunned! And Stephanie, you came all the way from Oneonta to support me, bringing congratulations from the whole group! I can't thank you enough!

I love you all. I end with shades of the Brooklyn Book Festival.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tales of a Travelling Doc - The Bronx

Ok, I'm nervous already. Today I'm driving to the Bronx, a borough of Manhattan, for a locum job interview. I am unfamiliar with the Bronx, and frankly it scares the "you know what" out of me. I have visions of my car stolen, or vandalized. I picture drug dealers lurking around. I live in the nice, quiet suburb of Carmel. I know Manhattan well, and I love to go into the city. I'll be there tomorrow for my NYC Sisters in Crime writer's meeting. But the Bronx? That's a different story. I'll let you know how this adventure turns out!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tales of a Travelling Doc - Vermont

I've actually been home in New York now for the past two weeks, but since I've been busy with my debut novel, If Memory Serves (available now) I've not blogged in a bit.

So my last stint as a travelling OB/GYN was again in Morrisville, Vermont. Of course, again, I stayed at the fabulous Maple House Bed and Breakfast. I've included a pic taken from the balcony of my room. I enjoyed having my meals there and did some writing. For a change of pace, and scenery, I spent a lovely afternoon in the garden. My writing flourished among the flowers!

I did visit a near by brewery, Rock Art Brewery. I had a small taste of pumpkin spice beer and then did a little tour of the brewery. I even got to keep my sample glass.

Of course, I stopped in Stowe, just 9 miles from Morrisville, and bought a great set of earrings and a moose print onsie and PJ's for my grand daughter to be (due in December!)

I go back to Vermont at the end of this month and I'm entertaining a stint in the Bronx.

So have a great weekend.

Stop by Amazon and check out my romantic suspense with police procedural novel, IF MEMORY SERVES. Available in paperback and Kindle. You'll also find it at Barnes and Noble, Walmart, and at my publisher's website: Mitchell Morris Publishing. Also check out Goodreads.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tales of Travelling Doc - Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

During my stint as an OB/GYN in Carlsbad, New Mexico, I had the opportunity to visit the famous Carlsbad Caverns. I was blown away!

The trip from my hotel to the caverns took 30 minutes. I was off call that day, so I could take a deep breath and enjoy the scenery without my pager or cell phone interrupting me. Yay! I made the left turn at the sign for Carlsbad Caverns. At first I thought I had made the wrong turn as I didn't see anything that looked like caverns to me. But I kept driving along a winding road. About to turn back, I finally saw a sign. Yes, I was going in the right direction. More winding. More mountains (all rock). Aha, another sign to slow down. Up. Up. Up. I arrive at the State Park and loopty-loo into the parking lot where I park "my Mustang". Yee Haw. I've arrived.

I read on their website to bring a light jacket as the temperatures inside the caves are cool, around 50's F year round. So I grab my sweatshirt and camera. I'm off, along with all the other tourists.

My eyes widen. The entrance fee is only $6.00. In New York, 6 bucks won't get you very far. For this admission price, you can walk through  The Great Entrance (about 1.5 hours) and through The Big Room (1.5 hours). Actually you can spend the whole day there marveling at the stalagmites, stalactites, and formations that are breathtaking. For additional fees, one can take ranger guided tours of other parts of the caves. I took one of the King's Cave. It was informative but not stellar. I much preferred wandering through the massive Entrance and Big Room, reading all the illuminated signs with a description of what your looking at, the science behind it, and the history of the caves.

Between the two self-guided tours, I took a break in the cafeteria. The food was actually delicious and reasonably priced. I visited the bookstore and the gift shop.

Then I got a seat at the Bat Flight Amphitheater. Around 8:29 p.m. the bats swirled counterclockwise in groups from the cave and flew off to hunt insects for the night. They are such interesting mammals. The Bat Flight is absolutely free! No pictures are allowed, though, as the bats' ears are super-sensitive! After watching these fabulous creatures for about 45 minutes (it took that long for all the bats to exit), I had a pleasant walk back to "my Mustang" and drove back to the hotel tired, but thrilled at my exciting day trip to Carlsbad Caverns. Enjoy some pics I took there.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tales of a Travelling Doc -Carlsbad, New Mexico

So I've been absent for a couple months. I've been busy finalizing the edits on my romantic suspense novel, IF MEMORY SERVES, due for release September 15, 2012 through Mitchell Morris Publishing, and guest blogging over at And yes, I have been travelling, too! Now to catch you up on my tales fron Carlsbad, New Mexico.

Carlsbad is in the southeast corner of New Mexico and soooo far away from my home in New York. To get to Carlsbad from NY is a mere 12 hour journey, not including the two hour time difference. After I cram everything in a carry on suitcase, which is a feat in itself because I refuse to check in any baggage (the subject of another blog), I board a plane in White Plains Airport (the subject of yet another blog) and fly to Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta Georgia. Hartsfield is huge airport but they have moving passengers from gate to gate perfected. Their awesome shuttle trains get you there on time. I give Hartsfield five stars. Plus their electronic boards with arrivals/departures are easy to read and updated.

From Atlanta, I fly to El Paso, Texas. Carlsbad, although a well known tourist destination for Carlsbad Caverns, does not have a significant airport. El Paso, to me, was a surprisingly small international airport. The outside looks quite dated with its green awnings, but the inside is nice, clean, and has multiple gift, food, miscellaneous shops.

From El Paso, I pick up a rental car. And, yee haw, so far I've driven a cherry red Mustang and a black Mustang (pics below.) Then it's a short three hour drive across 62/180. A lot of cacti and no bathrooms. I learned not to drink too much on this stretch. There is a rest stop with facilities, but the road is fairly desolate and I wouldn't risk going into a deserted woman's bathroom. I cross my legs a lot on this journey.

62/180 is picturesque, once I got over the fact that it's flat and not green (nothing like NY in the summer) I enjoyed the different topography. I discovered that there is a border patrol check point on the way from Texas to New Mexico, but not the over way. This was a change. I patiently stood in the line of vehicles until told to proceed forward. Of course I whipped out my NY driver's license as a border patrol agent rounded my Mustang with his German shepherd. Okay. I was allowed to proceed.

Onward down 62/180 which leads straight to Carlsbad, I gazed at majestic "rock" mountains. The pass through the Guadalupe Mountains is impressive.

So 3 hours later, I check into the hotel with legs crossed! Unpacking, I rest up for my stint as a locum tenens OB.

I learned to vent the car windows, having burned my hands on the steering wheel my first day there. Temperatures during the day ranges from 99-107 and at 5 p.m, it's about 102. On my nights not on call or if it's quiet at Carlsbad Medical Center, I like to walk along the paths surround the Pecos River, called, of course, the Pecos Riverwalk. I don't venture out there until dusk as the heat overwhelms me. The Riverwalk is scenic and well lit. I am among many out there in the evenings.

This is how my stint began. More to come. Stay tuned  and I'll catch you up on more of my adventures in New Mexico. For now, enjoy my pics.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Flesh Eating Disease

Hi There,

I'm guest blogging today about Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh Eating Disease) at So if your medically inclined or just curious, stop on by!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Death of a Child

Today I am filled with sorrow for the parent's of an eight year old child, Max, who died unexpectantly from meningitis. Memory Eternal. I dedicate The Lord's Prayer, chanted here so beautifully in Russian.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tales of a Travelling Doctor - a trip to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Factory

I'm still in Morrisville, Vermont but I've managed adventures not far  from this small town. For example, on Friday I took a quick trip to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in Waterbury, Vt. The snow on the the ground put me in the mood to seek ice cream, and there's definitely an upside to eating ice cream in the winter - it doesn't melt!

A straight shot down Vermont 100 south, I arrived at the ice cream kingdom shortly before noon. Parking ample, I was certainly not the first one there. Giddy at my uneventful drive, I popped out of my car, crunched over the snow, and ran up the outside stairs to the sign pointing me in the right direction. After snapping several pics of this palace, I burst through the main doors and skipped to to the cashier who was positioned in front of a VW van driven by a cow (not a real one, but a cardboard cut out just as cool). Oh yes! I want a ticket for the ice cream tour. The noon tour was sold out so I got into the 12:30 one. The nice guy behind the counter handed me my ticket (a whopping $4) and informed me to proceed to the tour door at the sound of a cow bell. Cool!

While I waited for my tour, I meandered about the gift shop, picking out my planned purchases after the tour. Ring a ding. Ring a ding. Ooh, it's that cow bell. Now I get to see how Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey are made!

My tour guide was a humorous, chubby guy. He gets to eat all the ice cream he wants! He led us to the first part of the tour, a mini-movie theater where we got a glimpse into the history of Ben and Jerry's.

I found out that Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield met in gym class in the 60's in Merrick, Long Island, both overweight boys and the object of ridicule. They've been friends ever since. Briefly separated during their college years, they reconnected after their lives didn't quite go as planned. Ben dropped out of college while Jerry was rejected by medical schools. In 1977 they took a $5 correspondence course with an open book exam. The rest is ice cream history. After spending their life savings, these two opened up their first store in a Burlington, Vt gas station. They were a hit. Unable to keep up with the demand for their funky and creative cones and sundaes, they needed bigger digs including renting space in an old bobbin mill. Ultimately, they left Burlington for their new found factory in Waterbury, Vt where they've become locally, nationally, and internationally known.

After the film, we were escorted to the "plant" area where we viewed the workers through a window above the production area. No pics allowed here. Our tour guide explained the steps your Ben and Jerry's pint of ice cream goes through. Wow! 250,000 pints per day are made! Ben and Jerry always socially conscience, the factory closes completely when workers are involved in any given community service.

The third and final part of the tour is the flavor lab where newest concoctions are dreamed of and tested. The free sample of the day was mint chocolate chunk. Everyone got a cup. And there were extras!

On my way out, I bought tee shirts, two stuffed cows (toys!), and ice cream flavored lip gloss. Of course I stopped at the ice cream shop where I ordered a small cup of the Jimmy Fallon inspired Late Night flavor, the newest Ben and Jerry addition featuring vanilla ice cream with chunks of chocolate covered potato chips and pretzels. Yum!

Tummy full and a bag of gift bag goodies in hand, I left Ben and Jerry's that much happier. Enjoy my pics of ice cream heaven.