Monday, September 24, 2012

Tales of a Travelling Doctor and Author

Today I have my author's hat on! This weekend, on Sunday, September 23rd, I participated in the Brooklyn Book Festival. What a great time. I took me two train rides but I arrived early Sunday morning at Borough Hall, towing my two full suitcases of books and a back pack strapped across my shoulders. Thank God!

I was at two booths. In the morning, I was at the NYC/Romance Writer's booth, and in the afternoon at the NYC/ Sisters in Crime one. The crowds peeked in the sunny but breezy afternoon, a picture perfect day in Brooklyn. So much energy in one place!

I sold several copies of my romantic suspense novel, IF MEMORY SERVES. But the best part was seeing the crowd's hunger for books. Who knows how many returned home to download books on their Kindles and Nooks?

My personal crew turned out to support me. Tamara, my darling daughter, I love you!  And same for her boyfriend Mario! Mary Ellen ("Marielle!"), Bill, and Ann, you brightened my day! Your words of encouragement are priceless. The gift was unnecessary but so much appreciated. I was stunned! And Stephanie, you came all the way from Oneonta to support me, bringing congratulations from the whole group! I can't thank you enough!

I love you all. I end with shades of the Brooklyn Book Festival.

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